Tag Archives: Blog

Amazing Strong Motivational People

28 Jul

I have met a lot of strong people in my life that I admire.  I would say that all of these people were not given the easy way in life. They have overcome tremendous struggles and powered through them to continue to smile and give to others.

motivation sign


As I am searching blogs and sites for motivation and ideas for my upcoming lifestyle I have come across so many amazing people/blogs/friends that I admire and respect.  You know when you read a blog that speaks to you, and you just feel like that person would be a great friend?

So throughout this journey I want to share some of these amazing successful people, because they build us up. They are examples on this road.  I want to share with you one of my favorite videos posted from Holly at 300 pounds down.  Yes, 300 pounds down! Now if that isn’t inspiring I don’t know what is. We ALL know the battle that Holly has won and we know the sacrifice she has made to be an example for so many.

Here is her video that made me cry when I watched it.  I would love to meet Holly and sit across the table and have a good ole girl chat!


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