Tag Archives: United States

I am Hungry!

22 Aug

crazySo for the past month we have had our French daughter (we call her our’s because she lived with us as a foreign exchange student 3 years ago) and her friend come visit.  Our French daughter speaks fluent English however her friend that came with her did not.  So between lots of translations and hand gestures we all started understanding each other.

Well French daughter #2 was trying to say ” I am hungry”.  Well it came out “I am angry”.  Yes, sounds the same.. different word!  Until NOW.


How come I never hear about everyone else talking about the pre-surgery diet as horrible?  I am hungry all the time.  I have horrible headaches and because of this I AM ANGRY!

3 shakes a day and one light carbless meal is making me angry.  what is worse? Is I think I am down about 3 pounds, that is not what I was expecting.  Other bloggers certainly have better results.

It is part of the conspiracy?  “Let’s all fool Allison that this is a breeze”.  Well, I fell for it, now I am just praying for surgery so that I can not feel HUNGRY and hopefully ANGRY.

got sleeved

getting ready to get sleeved

Obesity is a disease

28 Jul

Obesity is a disease?

I am not sure if I want to blame obesity as a disease. If I truly am realistic with myself I believe that I knew when my weight was getting out of control and I tried different weight loss options but nothing would stick.

Hunger would get out of control, I would get the shakes and then I would eat what I knew I wasn’t suppose to eat. Of course still in denial that I was NOT DIABETIC 😉

low blood sugar symptoms

Low Blood Sugar Symptoms

But was it my fault? In my opinion it is not a disease however my food choices were horrible and I had no idea what they were doing to my body.

So Obesity a disease no? American food choices…. YES.

That is the problem.

Now for my soap box:

I grew up with good food, no real sweets in the house and mom cooked most meals every night. My weight gain wasn’t in childhood, it was as an adult. So what was different?

I skipped breakfast each morning and opted for a DIET COKE/DIET PEPSI. hhhmmm ok.. diet is good right?

Then I was starving for lunch, since eating out and fast food is so cheap in America and CONVENIENT. I would get taco bell, burger king or something quick, I really didn’t super size.. but I would get the sandwich, fries and of course a diet coke. I would have consumed over 1000 calories.

whopper calories

whopper combo meal calories

Now 3:00 would roll around and I am STARVING, the shakes start (see above chart again) and since I was either at school or work and I would not have planned for this (another tip for myself.. planning ahead) I would grab for what was closest. Candy bar in machine, cake that someone brought in, old doughnut. When the shakes start I am not picky. 440 calories for the snicker bar, oh don’t forget followed by the ….. DIET COKE. So before I head home to cook dinner for the family. I have consumed over 1500 calories.

Now dinner, since I am a mom and a wife.. one of my “jobs” in the family is cooking a good dinner for the family. Kids and husband didn’t really like vegtables.. so we usually had none or just canned beans. Usually pasta w/ sauce or rice or potato with every meal. It is usually a typical American Dinner. But I always make it better with adding “flavor” creams, gravy, butter, sour cream, CHEESE, you get the picture. Those all add up. So after researching I have discovered that I am consuming around 1500 calories for dinner. I am attaching a video that if you can skip through you can see where I am getting this calorie information. (The guy is pretty drab, but it is interesting)

So here is the wrap up. I have consumed roughly 3000 calories a day with little to no exercise. I didn’t have lots of desserts, I didn’t snack heavily during the day (so I thought). I eat to satisfy my hunger. So is this a disease? or is this a result of American eating?

I say … it is time to eat a non-typical American way. Make a new American meal. Let’s pave the road to healthy living and get these convenient over processed foods out of our diets and eat real food.

I’ll share more thoughts on the Soda epidemic and preservatives in my next post. Thanks for reading!

got sleeved

getting ready to get sleeved

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